Restoring Healthy Populations of Olympia Oysters in Central California

My work has focused on efforts to restore native Olympia oysters in central California with a primary focus on San Francisco Bay. The Nature Conservancy, we are examining ways in which restoring foundation species like Olympia oysters can be assisted by production aquaculture particularly in situations where populations are at risk of local extinction. Their methods are similar to those developed by other imperiled species including corals and abalone among others.  This work has included an examination of the risks and rewards of hatchery production to supplement natural populations of Olympia oysters as well as a comprehensive assessment of all the estuaries along the entire North American coast regarding the use of aquaculture for the restoration of Olympia oyster restoration.  My collaborative work has also involved the use spatial mapping tools to develop high-resolution maps of oyster distributions coast-wide to understand and prioritize the needs for restoration and conservation in each region.  Finally, my collaborators and I have used our extensive experience with restoration in range of coastal ecosystems including Olympia oyster beds, eelgrass beds and several others to develop a portfolio framework for restoration under the extreme events scenarios predicted by climate change models.